County Republican Parties (although this should not be a partisan issue) from around South Carolina are coming together to support “real” school choice … and to...
FLASHBACK – “Who” Destroyed SC Private School Choice Program: Remember, it was May 2016 … the Department of Revenue had already finished their nefarious politically targeted faux...
The South Carolina Department of Revenue and a 5 person legislatively appointed board started running South Carolina’s “special needs” scholarship program on JULY 1, 2016. It was...
"John Doe" has parent and children's data ... will Exceptional SC pursue them with us?
Last week was a BLOCKBUSTER week. Whomever has been using the (not so) Exceptional SC parents email list to send anonymous political and defamatory emails has...
They did it again ... this time exposing and estimated 3,000 parent emails and children's names.
Donor PUBLICITY STUNT???: Well … below are the donor totals through 9/30/2019 from the SC Department of Revenue that we were able to obtain because Jeff...
Now we know why (not so) Exceptional SC and the Department of Revenue would not disclose fundraising number – it’s REALLY BAD!!!
While he should be in South Carolina raising funds for our kids.
Now we know why (not so) Exceptional SC and the Department of Revenue would not disclose fundraising number - it's REALLY BAD!!!