The SC Department Of Revenue has responded to our monthly FOIA request and provided us with a copy of (not so) Exceptional SC’s bank statements …WE WERE RIGHT …. as of...
Hey, it is HARD to call some of these people … REAL HARD …. and we have been pushing ourselves more to make some of these...
Well, he just won a hotly contested Republican Primary race just a few weeks ago … 58% to 42% … but yesterday he ABRUPTLY RESIGNED!!! Sounds rather...
The SC Department Of Revenue has responded to a FOIA request with the fundraising update for the month of June. (not so) Exceptional SC & #FireChadConnelly raised only $64,626.82 in the...
We now have until August 31st @ 5PM to get in your applications. Please help spread the word … and although NOT First Come / First...
Exciting news for our Lowcountry Families!!! Gates School – Charleston’s first public charter school for students with dyslexia and related reading challenges is opening in August 2021!!!! If you are...
The legislature came back into session last week to discuss COVID-19 and South Carolina’s CARES Act Federal funding allocation. Over the last few weeks we have...
After weeks and weeks of us calling out #FireChadConnelly & (not so) Exceptional SC’s insane announcement about a $60 Application Fee … literally the worst idea ever … last week they...
The SC Department Of Revenue has responded to a FOIA request with the most recent fundraising update. (not so) Exceptional SC & #FireChadConnelly only raised only $89,234.53 in the month of May....
At this point we do not know what or who to trust … The week before last we were told that 2nd semester scholarships were sent...